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Enrollment Deposit

A $350 deposit is required. This is a nonrefundable fee: $100 of the deposit will be applied to the first bill from the college; the remaining $250 will be credited to the student’s account upon graduation from Beloit College.

The total amount, however, is non-refundable to students who cancel their intent to matriculate at Beloit after paying the deposit. Students will forfeit the deposit if they fail to enroll after three consecutive vacation terms or withdraw from the college. A new $350 deposit will be required for re-enrollment. Upon graduation, refunds are reduced by any unpaid obligations to the college.

Students enrolling under the Early Decision Plan must pay the enrollment deposit by Jan. 5. All other students have until May 1, the National Candidate Reply Date (or the date stated in their offer of admission), to submit their enrollment deposit.

For Deferred Enrollment, students must pay a $500 deposit ($250 of which secures a place in the class and is refunded upon graduation, as is required of all entering students; the remaining $250 will be applied to the student’s first bill from the college). Detailed information is available from the Admissions Office.

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